
Australian Mountain Doodle Puppies Available in Texas

Mini-Australian Shepherd + Bernese Mountain Dog + Poodle

Discover Playful Perfection with Australian Mountain Doodles!

Introducing our newest specialty Doodles, the Australian Mountain Doodle – an amazing blend of the Mini-Australian Shepherd, Bernese Mountain Dog, and Poodle. At Lost Creek Farm, we are thrilled to share the exciting news about these amazing dogs and the story of how they became a cherished part of our family.

What Makes Australian Mountain Doodles Special?

These specialty Doodles encompass the best qualities of each breed:

Intelligence and Silliness: Inherited from the Poodle, Australian Mountain Doodles display remarkable intelligence and a playful demeanor.

Witty Playfulness: The Aussie influence brings in a touch of witty playfulness, making them entertaining and joyful companions.

Gentle, Loving Nature: Drawing from the Bernese Mountain Dog lineage, these Doodles exhibit a gentle and affectionate nature, making them empathetic, sensitive family dogs.

Meet Our Newest Family Members – Sugar and Maggie

Upon their arrival at Lost Creek Farm, Sugar and Maggie seamlessly integrated into our family, instantly winning the hearts of every resident animal. Their friendly and playful personalities made them beloved additions, and they quickly became two of the sweetest dogs we’ve ever had.

Puppies available NOW (…and more expected this Summer!)

We are excited to share that we still have a few spots available from Maggie’s current litter. Her sister, Sugar, will have puppies soon, as well! If you’re interested in bringing home one of these adorable pups or would like more information, feel free to message us.

For a faster response and to get the latest updates on Australian Mountain Doodle puppies, don’t hesitate to text us at (940) 351-0047. We look forward to introducing you to these playful and perfect companions from Lost Creek Farm!

Valentine’s Day puppies!  Maggie’s puppies will go home beginning the weekend of Feb. 3! They’ll be unique, stunning medium sized dogs. Click here to read a little about the amazing AMDs. A few spots are still available

Sweet Darla the #goldendoodle . #fortworthdoodle #doodlelife ...

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#englishlabradoodles ! #lostcreekbelle #lostcreeklabradoodles ...

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#miniaussiedoodle ! Playful, snuggly and smart! ...

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English Labradoodles! Fox-red and chocolate! #lostcreeklabradoodles #lostcreekbelle #labradoodle #labradoodlepuppy #englishlabradoodle ...

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Gilly’s snow day with her family! She LOVED the snow! #lostcreeklottie #f1bgoldendoodle #goldendoodlesofinstagram #snowdog #snowday ...

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Libby and Grady, 3 years later! (First image - Libby as a senior in HS, Grady as a freshman. Second, Libby as a junior at #texastech and Grady a senior in HS.) #family #siblings #alwaysgetalong #sometimesgetalong #jacksborobasketball #wesuremisslibbyonthefarm ...

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Except most of ours are Doodles! #doglife #farmlife ...

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Border Collie mommas are amazing. They can have a litter and 10 minutes later the whelping area is clean, babies are clean and they’re all lined up. All in order. Some mommas are a hot mess. They love their puppies, but it’s chaos in the box! 🤣 #lostcreekpatsy #bordercollie #bordercolliesofinstagram #bordoodles #borderdoodle #bordoodlesofinstagram #lostcreekbordoodles ...

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Little Brandon, one of our toy Poodle sires, down in Houston visiting a guardian family. From left to right…Dakota (a Bonnie X George Grimes F1 Goldendoodle), Avery (a Dakota X Brandon F1b Goldendoodle), and Brandon. YES, that’s an Avery with both her parents! #lostcreekbrandon #lostcreekgoldendoodles #goldendoodlesofinstagram #goldendoodles ...

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Two farm favorites! Kitty cat finds mice 🐁 and Mellie the #bassethound is pretty good at finding snakes 🐍 ! #farmfriends #farmlife #hounddog #farmcat #barncat ...

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This poor little guy…somehow sustained a small injury on his neck. Nothing too serious, but obvious enough that momma Patsy keeps licking and working on it! @michele_l_brown_2020 doctored him up and put a little makeshift sweater on him. He’ll be fine, but still breaks your heart to see these precious little things hurt in any way. 😢 💔 #lostcreekpatsy #lostcreekbordoodles ...

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This is Goose with his big sister Olive! Goose is an F1 Goldendoodle from Sally X Cooper. Handsome boy!! He’s happy and living the good life down in Austin with his family! #lostcreeksally #f1goldendoodle #goldendoodles #lostcreekgoldendoodles #goldendoodle #goldendoodleofinstagram ...

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Duke loves the cold weather, but evidently he slept in the chicken coop last night. 🤣 Love that boy. #livestockguardiandog #pyr #greatpyrenees #protector #guardiandog #chickencoop #livestockguardiandogs #selflessdog #farmprotector #freerangechickens #chickencoopsofinstagram ...

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Peaches, the tiny Yorkie! #lostcreekpeaches #yorkshireterrier #yorkies #lostcreekyorkiepoos #yorkiesofinstagram #yorkieinthesnow ...

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Good morning, from the farm! #snowday #farmlife #lostcreekfarm #lostcteekdoodles ...

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This hen lays beautiful eggs, but she likes to lay them in the goat barn! 🤪 🐓 #farmlife #freerange #freerangechickens ...

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Bella the #bordoodle! She was from a Rosa X John Henry litter a few years ago. And guess what? She’s getting a new little brother - a mini-Aussiedoodle from Virgie’s current litter! #lostcreekbordoodles #lostcreekrosa ...

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#lostcreekpatsy #bordoodles #lostcreekbordoodles #blueeyebordercollie #bluemerle ...

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Lainey went home last week to her new family and brother from another litter! (Maverick, also a Tequila X Uncle Jack F1b English Labradoodle.) She lives in Wisconsin 🥶. Her family says her brother LOVES the snow. Lainey’s not quite used to it yet. 😂 And yes, they all LOVE @laineywilson !#lostcreeklabradoodles #laineywilson #outofoklahoma #lostcreektequila #englishlabradoodle #labradoodlepuppy #labradoodle #chocolatelabradoodle #labradoodlesofinstagram #labradoodles ...

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Handsome Duke. Black English Lab, loves his life with his family! And he can’t stay out of the pond!! We’ll have more AKC English Labs this year! #lcklabs #englishlab #englishlabrador #blacklab #blacklabrador #blockystockyandcalm #blockyhead #mansbestfriend ...

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Dirk and Beau! This was from Dirk’s 4th birthday party last month! He’s a standard English Goldendoodle. Beau is a standard Bernedoodle, with light coloring. #lostcreekgoldendoodles #brothers #brothersfromanothermother #doodlelife ...

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Error: There are no business accounts connected.

English Labradoodles. Even better than the "most popular dog"?

English Labrador Retriever + Poodle

Since 1991, the Labrador Retriever has been the most popular dog in America (according to the American Kennel Society). There’s almost nothing better than a beautiful, well-trained Lab. We admit that fact! We love our Labs! HOWEVER…

But what if you could have the Labrador Retriever’s personality – loyal, loving, friendly and athletic. But get that unique, quirky, human-like personality that you’ve seen in Doodles? What if you could get the amazing family dog, but with less shedding and potentially less allergy issues? If this interests you, then the Labradoodle is probably a great fit for you.

Our English Labradoodles come from amazing lines – all English Labs, which are well known to be stunningly beautiful with amazing demeanors. Our Labs, which originally came from the prestigious Longhorn Kennels, in College Station, Texas (and other well-respected kennels) are high quality, genetically superior dogs. Then of course when mixed with the Poodle (the second most intelligent dog on the planet), you truly get an amazing result. The Labrador and Poodle’s genetics compliment each other nicely, and the result is a smart family dog with much less shedding than as with the purebred Labs!

We’ll have English Labradoodles in various sizes and in many colors. Contact us if you’d like more information! Text us for a quicker response (940) 351-0047.

Sweet Darla the #goldendoodle . #fortworthdoodle #doodlelife ...

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#englishlabradoodles ! #lostcreekbelle #lostcreeklabradoodles ...

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#miniaussiedoodle ! Playful, snuggly and smart! ...

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English Labradoodles! Fox-red and chocolate! #lostcreeklabradoodles #lostcreekbelle #labradoodle #labradoodlepuppy #englishlabradoodle ...

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Gilly’s snow day with her family! She LOVED the snow! #lostcreeklottie #f1bgoldendoodle #goldendoodlesofinstagram #snowdog #snowday ...

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Libby and Grady, 3 years later! (First image - Libby as a senior in HS, Grady as a freshman. Second, Libby as a junior at #texastech and Grady a senior in HS.) #family #siblings #alwaysgetalong #sometimesgetalong #jacksborobasketball #wesuremisslibbyonthefarm ...

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Except most of ours are Doodles! #doglife #farmlife ...

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Border Collie mommas are amazing. They can have a litter and 10 minutes later the whelping area is clean, babies are clean and they’re all lined up. All in order. Some mommas are a hot mess. They love their puppies, but it’s chaos in the box! 🤣 #lostcreekpatsy #bordercollie #bordercolliesofinstagram #bordoodles #borderdoodle #bordoodlesofinstagram #lostcreekbordoodles ...

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Little Brandon, one of our toy Poodle sires, down in Houston visiting a guardian family. From left to right…Dakota (a Bonnie X George Grimes F1 Goldendoodle), Avery (a Dakota X Brandon F1b Goldendoodle), and Brandon. YES, that’s an Avery with both her parents! #lostcreekbrandon #lostcreekgoldendoodles #goldendoodlesofinstagram #goldendoodles ...

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Two farm favorites! Kitty cat finds mice 🐁 and Mellie the #bassethound is pretty good at finding snakes 🐍 ! #farmfriends #farmlife #hounddog #farmcat #barncat ...

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This poor little guy…somehow sustained a small injury on his neck. Nothing too serious, but obvious enough that momma Patsy keeps licking and working on it! @michele_l_brown_2020 doctored him up and put a little makeshift sweater on him. He’ll be fine, but still breaks your heart to see these precious little things hurt in any way. 😢 💔 #lostcreekpatsy #lostcreekbordoodles ...

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This is Goose with his big sister Olive! Goose is an F1 Goldendoodle from Sally X Cooper. Handsome boy!! He’s happy and living the good life down in Austin with his family! #lostcreeksally #f1goldendoodle #goldendoodles #lostcreekgoldendoodles #goldendoodle #goldendoodleofinstagram ...

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Duke loves the cold weather, but evidently he slept in the chicken coop last night. 🤣 Love that boy. #livestockguardiandog #pyr #greatpyrenees #protector #guardiandog #chickencoop #livestockguardiandogs #selflessdog #farmprotector #freerangechickens #chickencoopsofinstagram ...

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Peaches, the tiny Yorkie! #lostcreekpeaches #yorkshireterrier #yorkies #lostcreekyorkiepoos #yorkiesofinstagram #yorkieinthesnow ...

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Good morning, from the farm! #snowday #farmlife #lostcreekfarm #lostcteekdoodles ...

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This hen lays beautiful eggs, but she likes to lay them in the goat barn! 🤪 🐓 #farmlife #freerange #freerangechickens ...

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Bella the #bordoodle! She was from a Rosa X John Henry litter a few years ago. And guess what? She’s getting a new little brother - a mini-Aussiedoodle from Virgie’s current litter! #lostcreekbordoodles #lostcreekrosa ...

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#lostcreekpatsy #bordoodles #lostcreekbordoodles #blueeyebordercollie #bluemerle ...

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Lainey went home last week to her new family and brother from another litter! (Maverick, also a Tequila X Uncle Jack F1b English Labradoodle.) She lives in Wisconsin 🥶. Her family says her brother LOVES the snow. Lainey’s not quite used to it yet. 😂 And yes, they all LOVE @laineywilson !#lostcreeklabradoodles #laineywilson #outofoklahoma #lostcreektequila #englishlabradoodle #labradoodlepuppy #labradoodle #chocolatelabradoodle #labradoodlesofinstagram #labradoodles ...

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Handsome Duke. Black English Lab, loves his life with his family! And he can’t stay out of the pond!! We’ll have more AKC English Labs this year! #lcklabs #englishlab #englishlabrador #blacklab #blacklabrador #blockystockyandcalm #blockyhead #mansbestfriend ...

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Dirk and Beau! This was from Dirk’s 4th birthday party last month! He’s a standard English Goldendoodle. Beau is a standard Bernedoodle, with light coloring. #lostcreekgoldendoodles #brothers #brothersfromanothermother #doodlelife ...

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