World's Greatest Dog Blog!

These Black Friday specials are well worth checking out. Muenster's food, treats and toppers are fantastic. Take a look at these deals.

Question from a New Puppy Family – Can you tell me more about how the puppy selection process works?
This is one of the most common questions we receive at puppy pick-up: How does the puppy selection process work?
NEW UPDATE 12/27/23
Is the Goldendoodle the right Doodle breed for you? In this post we discuss the positives AND the negatives of the breed. We even include a chart showing how the Goldendoodle ranks versus other dogs.
Quick announcement about 2 recent dog food recalls. We've never used these brands of food, but they're popular brands. NEW UPDATE 11/26/24
We share Muenster's frequent specials on their dog food, supplements & puppy treats! The specials change often so come back from time to time! NEW UPDATE 11/09/24